What is StatLine?
StatLine is the database of Statistics Netherlands (in Dutch: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, CBS).
It offers data concerning many social and economic issues, presented in the shape of tables (default).
You can also compile, adjust and download your own tables and graphs. The information can be accessed, printed and downloaded free of charge. The English version of the database is less extensive than the Dutch version.
Searching StatLine
In the English version of StatLine there are two search options:
Open data: All tables in StatLine are available as open data in the form of datasets. Open Data is (government) data made available electronically in a coherent manner so that programmers can immediately use it for all sorts of applications. Open data can be used free of charge and quoting of the source is mandatory.
Check the User Manual (pdf) and FAQs to see how Statline works. The Dutch Help also offers instruction videos (in Dutch).
Directions to StatLine
The website is publicly accessible: statline.cbs.nl
What is Eurostat?
Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union.
The Eurostat website is available in English, German and French. The Eurostat website provides direct and free of charge online access to all its statistical databases and associated electronic publications.
The Eurostat database is updated twice a day.
The Eurostat homepage consists of 5 tabs: News, Data, Publications, About Eurostat, Help
Directly to: Eurostat
OECD iLibrary is OECD’s Online Library for Books, Papers and Statistics and the gateway to OECD’s analysis and data.
Utrecht University Library subscribes to 8 themes in OECD iLibrary:
However, many content areas are freely available to any site visitor, such as the OECD Factbook, Working Papers, OECD Key Tables, and more.
What is DSI - AllThatStats?
DSI - AllThatStats contains statistical information from various international statistical sources: The core World Bank databases, UNIDO’s industry statistics, IMF’s financial statistics, the latest OECD data collections, the statistical series of the European Union, key statistics from various Federal Reserve Banks and national statistical offices (especially for the German, US and Euro-Area economies).
In DSI - AllThatStats you can:
For more information see the DSI - AllThatStats Help.
Directly to: DSI - AllThatStats
World Development Indicators (WDI) is the primary World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized international sources. It presents the most current and accurate global development data available, and includes national, regional and global estimates. It contains over 800 time-series indicators for 209 countries and 18 country groups, covering 1960 to last year. Included are sets of country tables, covering specialized topics such as social indicators, economic indicators, education, and population projection.
WDI is part of the World Bank DataBank. You can create your own queries; generate tables, charts, and maps; and easily save, embed, and share them. Read the FAQ and the knowledgebase WDI
Directly to: World Development Indicators