this type of information ... |
... is mainly in this type of publications ... |
... findable with these search engines ... |
.... that have these options |
1.Images |
1.Journal articles  |
1.UBU Catalogue   |
1.Follow cited by links |
2.Analysis/research findings |
2.Image database |
2.Google (or Bing)  |
2.Citation analysis |
3.Biographical information  |
3.Blogs |
3.Google Books   |
3.Filtering with ‘facets’ |
4.Book reviews |
4.Books & e-books |
4.Google Images
4. Bing Images 
4.Advanced search options |
5.Comments/reviews |
5.Conference proceedings |
5.Google News   |
5.Search the full text |
6.Context/history of a subject |
6.Documentaries (video) |
6.Google Scholar   |
6.Viewing the full text within the system |
7.Organisation goals and policies |
7.Encyclopedic articles / encyclopedias |
7.Google Maps  
7.Using it for all/most disciplines |
8.Facts |
8.Handbooks  |
8.Google Translate  
8.Using it to get sources in many languages |
9.Introduction a topic |
9.Maps & atlasses  |
9.LexisNexis Academic   |
9.Predominantly search sources in English |
10.News |
10.Newspapers  |
10.Narcis  |
10.Get links to the full text |
11.Opinions |
11.News media (video)  |
11.Picarta   |
11.Finding older sources from <1945 |
12.Overview of a topic |
12.General news magazines |
12.Scopus   |
12.Finding older sources from <1900 |
13.State of the art of research on a topic |
13.Patents |
13.Subject specific bibliographies |
13.Searching (only) in titles + keywords + abstracts |
14. Statistics, numerical data |
14.PhD dissertations   |
14. Subject specific encylopedias |
14.Searching (only) in titles + keywords |
15.Ownership claims of inventions |
15.Reports  |
15.Patent databases |
15.Using the UBUink to get the full text and more |
16.Word definitions |
16.Review articles |
16.Special statistics databases |
(16. options depend on the exact search engine used) |
17.Statistical tables / reports |
17.Special text collections |
17. Filtering on Open Access |
18.Systematic reviews |
18.Statline CBS |
19.Tweets |
19.Topsy (or Twitter search) |
20.Professional magazine |
20.Van Dale online  |
21.Website (of organisation) |
21.Web of Science   |
22.(Subject) dictionaries  |
22.Wikipedia   |
23.Worldcat |
24.Youtube (or Google Video) |