This bibliography is critical for any type of research on Dutch literature or linguistics. The BNTL lists all titles of books and journal articles on these subjects that have appeared since 1940. References to reviews of a particular book have been added to the book description. The bibliography offers you the opportunity to save your relevant result for later consultation. A complete overview of titles on a specific topic can be generated by:
- Clicking 'advanced search'
- Typing the title of the publication and clicking: search in 'trefwoordthesaurus'
- On the next screen: selecting the most suitable keyword
- Finally: clicking 'all publication' to generate a complete overview of titles that have appeared since 1940
The Digital Library of Dutch Literature ( is a website with an extensive collection of digitised publications on Dutch language and literature (both primary and secondary literature, as well as histories of literature). Please be aware when using this website: the textbooks available can be old and not the most up-to-date version. Always be critical of the books you consult and read the 'verantwoording' in the left-hand text box. The DBNL is not a complete overview of publications and additional research in a bibliography is necessary.
When referencing the DBNL, provide the title description of the paper publication and add the availability in the DBNL. For example:
Gerritsen, W.P. "Hoofsheid herbeschouwd." Beschaving. Een geschiedenis van de begrippen hoofsheid, heusheid, beschaving en cultuur. P. den Boer (ed.), Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2001. 81-106 (ook op DBNL).
Utrecht University Library offers you optimised access to WorldCat, including extra search and filter options, via:
Here you will find:
To optimise your search read the Libguide on WorldCat.
Attention: Worldcat also has a general entry without these additional options, which can be found at
Google Books is a search engine in which you will find (data on) more than 20 million books. Books are included in Google Books via the scan programme that Google executes at >20 large libraries and via publishers taking care of their own uploads. That is why Google Books often contains the searchable full text of books. However, though you can search the full text you cannot always read the full text in Google Books. It depends on copyright issues and publishers' permissions. Mainly the older books which are copyright-free are full text available in Google Books.
Though it is difficult to find there is also an advanced search form for Google Books that you can use to do a more targeted search.
In addition to the catalogue, use Google Books for:
If you have found relevant titles in Google Books, you can look for the title in the catalogue of Utrecht University Library to get access to the book. Unfortunately, Google Books does not show the UBU link as Google Scholar does.
The LibGuide Search Strategy>Where to look for books> tab:Google Books offers more information about working with Google Books.
In your search for scholarly literature you may sometimes find the UBU-link. This link provides information about the availability of digital publications via the University Library. Sometimes the UBU-link is in the form of a yellow button, but it can also be a text link.
Want to know more about all options to access digital publications? Visit our Online Access page.
If Utrecht University Library does not have the book or journal you are looking for, you can request the material from other libraries in the Netherlands and from foreign libraries (this is called Interlibrary Loans (ILL). Material can be requested through WorldCat by clicking on the title of the item. Under "Access Options" then "Request from Libraries Worldwide" you will find the "Interlibrary Request" button.