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Introduction to Literary Studies: Recording search results

Found it... and what next? Record it!

Most of the time you will want to record the bibliographical data of your search results. With this data you are able to create a correct reference: title, author(s), year, pages etc.

There are useful toolsl to save and arrange your search results, allowing for simple reuse. Several systems help you manage your data: a few well-known are Refworks, Endnote, Zotero of Mendeley.


Utrecht University staff and students have free access to RefWorks, also after their studies RefWorks allows you to create a personal database of references.

 a reference is  ...
Lemma 'reference' in verklarend woordenboek
... something as a number or name that tells where the cited information can be obtained
This database is made up of references containing all information needed to refer correctly to literature when you are
writing a scientific paper or article:
  • title
  • author(s)
  • year of publication
  • publisher, edition and place of publication in the case of a book
  • journal title, volume, issue and pages in the case of an article

In addition, RefWorks references contain other useful information, such as:

  • the UBU-link with usually a hyperlink to the full text
  • summary
  • keywords
  • contact details of the main author


Explanation for Refworks3 (recommended): Manual RefWorks3

Saving a hyperlink

When you save a hyperlink it must be a permanent hyperlink (you can recognise a hyperlink by for instance the terms deeplink, permalink, doi (digital object identifier) or an icon such as  or or  ).

Never save hyperlinks from searches. They often have a (search) session code. If the search session is closed, the hyperlink no longer works.