Most of the time you will want to record the bibliographical data of your search results. With this data you are able to create a correct reference: title, author(s), year, pages etc.
There are useful toolsl to save and arrange your search results, allowing for simple reuse. Several systems help you manage your data: a few well-known are Refworks, Endnote, Zotero of Mendeley.
a reference is ...
![]() ... something as a number or name that tells where the cited information can be obtained
In addition, RefWorks references contain other useful information, such as:
Explanation for Refworks3 (recommended): Manual RefWorks3
When you save a hyperlink it must be a permanent hyperlink (you can recognise a hyperlink by for instance the terms deeplink, permalink, doi (digital object identifier) or an icon such as or
Never save hyperlinks from searches. They often have a (search) session code. If the search session is closed, the hyperlink no longer works.