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Training New PubMed (EN): 5. Finding more

Learning objective

You can use 'similair articles' and citation searching to adapt your search strategy to find more relevant literature.


Read the text in the text box 'Similar articles'.

Search for the following article in PubMed:  M. Hollander, Circulation 2002; 105(24):2872-2877

In PubMed you can simply type: 'Hollander Circulation 2002 105'.

How many similar articles and how many citing articles does this article have?
(click on the question to view the answer)


Read the text in the text box 'Citation Searching'.

Open Web of Science (select the right tab) and choose 'Cited References'.

Search for the following article:  M. Hollander, Circulation 2002; 105(24):2872-2877

Enter ‘Cited Author’ (=Hollander, M), ‘Cited Work’ (= journal title) and ‘Cited Year(s)’ and click on ‘Search’. Choose (if necessary) the right article from the list of results (please pay attention to the volume and the page numbers).

Look under the heading: ‘Citing Articles’.

How many times is this article cited?
(click on the question to view the answer)

If you want to see the titles of these articles, click on the number.


Open SCOPUS. With the help of the ‘Document Search’  option you can search for articles. Use ‘Add search fields’  to search in several fields at the time.

Search for the following article:
M. Hollander, Circulation 2002; 105(24):2872-2877

Search on ‘First Author' (=Hollander(space)M) and ‘Source Title’ (=Journal title) and enter the year at ‘Limit to: Date range’.

How many citations do you get this way?
(click on the question to view the answer)


Similar articles

If you click on a title in the results list in PubMed, you will sometimes see a list of 'Similar articles' below this article. These articles are about the same subject, often of a more recent date. As a rule a number of five articles is shown. Via the link 'See more similar articles'  or 'See all similar articles' you'll get more (all).

PubMed retrieves these articles by searching via a weighted algorithm on words from the title, the abstract and the MeSH terms of the original article. More information can be found via the 'Help' button of PubMed. The most relevant articles according to PubMed are on the top of the list. You can also sort the articles by date ('Sort By').

Via 'Similar articles' you can find articles which contain valuable additions to the original article. Sometimes you may find articles which wipe the floor with the original article. Useful information that you should not miss!

Citation searching

You can quickly find citing articles for a particular article in New PubMed (see assignment 15) and also Google Scholar has this functionality (cited by...).

However, Utrecht University Library offers access to two specialized citation databases: Web of Science and SCOPUS. If you look up an article in one of these search engines, you can see how often this article is cited in other articles ('times cited'). By clicking on this number, you will see what (more recent!) articles cite this particular article so which are about the same subject.

You can find Web of Science and SCOPUS via the homepage of the University Library  under 'Search engines'. Both sources are listed in the ‘Quickly go to’-menu.

Find out more about Web of Science in our Libguide Web of science.

Citation searching in SCOPUS



In SCOPUS you will usually find a larger number of citations than in Web of Science. This is because SCOPUS also indexes books, book chapters, conference abstracts, letters etc. In general, SCOPUS covers different, more biomedical subjects. Check our LibGuide  SCOPUS or more information about SCOPUS