References search |
Citation search |
Related item search |
Systematic search |
Looking backward: You search on the basis of a SUITABLE ARTICLE you have found earlier. Most common is checking the REFERENCE LIST of the article. You can also look for other articles by the same author, or search by keywords that you have found in that article.
Looking forward: You search on the basis of a SUITABLE ARTICLE by checking newer CITATIONS: has it been cited by others? And if so, you have a look at these newer articles and find out again of they have been cited in their turn etc.
Please take into account that a recent article may not at all has been cited yet, or not very frequently. |
Looking nearby: You search on the basis of a SUITABLE ARTICLE by checking the articles that pop up as RELATED in the Search system. With this method you will find older and newer articles with similar words in either title, abstract or keywords. |
Looking around further away: You search on the basis of your SEARCH PROFILE with the intention of finding as much literature as possible on that subject.
With this method you are performing a 360° search: you will find both historical ánd actual publications.
Why use more then one search engine? |
Most relevant for animal sciences |
Where to start? |
Many scientific search engines exist. These can be divided into either discipline-specific or general search engines, based on their coverage.
So, even if you enter the same search question, the results in various search engines will differ because of:
For Veterinary Medicine, Animal Production, or related subjects, the most relevant search engines are:
This depends on your starting point, your subject ánd the requested completeness of your search