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Introduction to the study of history: Looking for books

The journey

While you were looking for the books in the first assignment you made a short journey. From Google Scholar to the book. Along the way you made a few stops.

In Google Scholar you found a link to Google Books. That's how you knew the book existed. Eventually you found a link to WorldCat. There you found out the book was available in Utrecht. WorldCat also gave you a link to the University Library catalogue. That's where you found the right place to find the book. In print or online.

When you're looking for scientific literature you always take a version of this journey. You might start with a different search engine and you might stop at different places along the way, but you should always get a link here or a reference there to eventually find what you were looking for. 

The more information you have about what it is you want to find the further along you can start your journey. For example: If you have the title of the book and the name of the author it may be quicker to start looking in the library catalogue.

Access to databases, digital books and digital journals

Access from home
Students and staff of Utrecht University also have access to databases, e-books, digital journals from outside of campus, through the University library.

Log in
Always start from the University Library website Then, when you open a digital publication or a database you will be prompted to log in using your Solis-ID and password.

Sometimes you may be asked to use the University proxy. With some databases or when using an app for example. This is the university's proxy:

More information?
Visit the Get Access page on the University Library's website.

Google vs. Google Scholar

Google's search engine generally trawls the internet looking for websites which have content that changes regularly. It uses a secret algorithm to do this. Google decides which results you get. More often than not that's not scientific material.

Google Scholar works in much the same way as 'regular' Google, but automatically filters for scientific material. Therefore it's a good place to start looking for books and articles. If you want to know more about Google Scholar please take a look at the LibGuide LibGuide zoektermen we made on the subject.

The role of the library

When you're looking for scientific literature you need to use more than one search engine. Google Scholar is but one of many options. 

There is not one place to find everything. The search engine you use depends on what you are looking for. Throughout your studies you will figure out which ones are best for which subject. The type of material in the search engine and where you can find it all plays a part.

It's important to know then, that the University Library makes sure that you have access to most of the material you will find. Whichever search enigine you used and which type of material it happens to be.