In your search for scholarly literature you may sometimes find the UBU-link. This link provides information about the availability of digital publications via the University Library. Sometimes the UBU-link is in the form of a yellow button, but it can also be a text link.
Want to know more about all options to access digital publications? Visit our Online Access page.
WorldCat includes most scholarly libraries in the Netherlands (and also public libraries). You will find books, e-books, articles and much more. You can also use WorldCat to spot and borrow books from other Dutch libraries.
There is a list of search engines available for history (students) with different types of search engines. One important type of search engine is the bibliography. A bibliography contains material about a defined subject. The broadest bibliography for history we have is Historical Abstracts.
There are several ways in Google Scholar to get access to the full text:
Above the description
In the right hand column:
Or below the description:
If Google can offer a direct [PDF], [DOC] or [HTML] link to the full text it sometimes does not show the UBU-link at all.