In almost all cases you will want to store your search results. There are a few useful tools to help you organise and reuse your search results.
When writing down or entering your search results, follow the appropriate guidelines for your discipline.
Save your results in a manner that allows you to store, manage and reuse them. For instance use a reference management tool such as Refworks, Endnote, Mendeley or Zotero.
For more guidance on choosing a reference management tool and for a quick-start tutorial/training for Mendeley, RefWorks and Zotero visit the full Reference management LibGuide.
In scientific publications, including theses, and in all disciplines you must refer to the sources on which your publication is based.
The goal of referencing is that every reader is able to find the original source right away. That is why a correct reference must contain bibliographic data by which the source can be found, such as the name of the author, the title of the publication, year of publication, pages etc. There are many reference styles, each with their own rules on the order and types of bibliographic data.
There are three ways in which you are allowed to use the work of others in your own work. You are allowed to quote (copy literally), paraphrase (putting passages into your own words) and summarizing (presenting the most important and relevant information/ideas from a text in your own words). In each of these cases, you need to refer to the work of the original author (your source). It does not matter where your information comes from, for example: a scholarly journal, a thesis, conference proceedings or the internet.
If you want to read more about using sources and referring to sources, go to the LibGuide Citing
If you want to record a document from the internet (book, journal article, case law, website etc) we recommend you to use a long-lasting or permanent hyperlink, for instance the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) or 'permalink' or 'deeplink' or 'stable url' or indicated by an icon such as or or .
Never use hyperlinks from searches. They often involve a (search) session code. Once you finish your search session, the hyperlink does no longer work!
When you make use of literature or other information in a course paper you acknowledge this by including references.
References are recorded uniformly. Follow the appropriate guidelines for your discipline.This is important, as it enables all readers to understand the reference swiftly and ensures that if they wish they can look up the sources themselves without having to perform any unnecessary detective work.