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A quick search in PubMed

PubMed Searchbox

You can use the searchbox for a quick and dirty search.

You can search for:

Formulate your search as short and clear as possible and without a question mark.  For a quick search it is not necessary to add Boolean operators (such as AND or OR).  A more extensive search? Use the Advanced Search Builder.

Results are automatically sorted on  'Best Match'.  The newest articles at the top? Sort on Publication date or Most recent (that is when a record is added to PubMed).

For more tips and tricks for a quick search in PubMed:

Find similar articles or articles from one author

Find similar articles

If you click on an article, 'similar articles' are shown under the abstract. These articles are closely subject-related to your article.


click on similair articles to find related articles

Finding more from a specific author

If you are interested in the work of a specific author, it is best to search by last name and the first letter of the first name.  You can also click on the name of this specific author in an article.

vinder meer van 1 auteur

Find articles based on a topic

Break down your search question into elements

Before you start looking up information on your search strategy it is useful to divide it into the most important elements. You can do this for example using the DDO model (see image below). For more information go to the LibGuide Search Strategy

Enter your search in the searchbox

Enter your separate keywords in the search box. In this case: cardiovascular disease' (domain), 'snake venom' (determinant) en  'death rate' (outcome). Click on 'search'. For a quick search there is no need to use the operator 'AND" 

Your search results

After entering your search you immediately see your search results. By default your results are sorted on 'best match'. You can change this to e.g. ''publication date". This can be done by selecting the right option under "display options". To see how your initial search is translated, click on "Advanced" to see the search details. 

Search details

After clicking on 'Advanced', you enter the  'advanced search builder'. Here you can see your 'Search History". You can unfold your search by clicking on the > symbol next to your search. This shows you how PubMed translated your search and what PubMed has actually searched for.  

details of the search

Filter your results

You can filter your results with a variety of filter options which you will find on the right-hand of your results. By clicking on "additional filters" you can select even more filters than the standard options. Use filters with caution: The filters 'publication date" and "language" are the only filters that are a 100% reliable. 


Find articles from a citation (Citation matching)

News article

In a news article we find the following clues about an original publication 

  • The author name: Stephen Lazarus. 
  • The journal the article was published in: New England Journal of Medicine 
  • Year of publication: 2019

Nieuws bericht over astma en verschillende soorten inhalers

Adding the search in the searchbox

Add the last name/surname of the author, the abbreviation of the journal and the publication date into the searchbox .

invoeren artikel in searchbox

Results of Citation Matching

Based on this search we find 1 article with the help of citation matching (zie figure below). Based on the title and author you can decide if this is the article you were looking for. If you need more information, click on the title to see the abstract of the article. 

article found with citation matching

Other results

Next to the results based on citation matching, PubMed will also give you regular results in case you were not searching for a citation. This can be useful when the topic you are searching for is also the title (or part of it) of a journal such as 'Virus' or 'Cancer'.


Overige resultaten van citation matching

Single citation matcher

Below the searchbox  you can also find the  single citation matcher.  You can also use this single citation matcher to find a specific article/publication.

where to find the single citation matcher