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Universiteitsbibliotheek – LibGuides

ME2V20002 Media Comparison and Intermediality / ME2V2001 Mediavergelijking en Intermedialiteit: About

LibGuide for the course Media Comparison and Intermediality (ME2V20002)

About this LibGuide

This LibGuide supports BA students Media and culture, enrolled in the course Media Comparison and Intermediality, systematically searching for, selecting and referencing relevant academic literature about a given topic, in the case of this particular course, on the topics of media comparison and ‘intermediality’.

  • Explore your topic:
    on finding (library) resources to help you explore and refine your topic.
  • Search for Literature:
    on actually searching for books and articles relevant to your topic, using relevant keywords and a sound strategy.
  • Evaluating:
    on managing and evaluating the literature you have found.

This is just one of our LibGuides containing tips, theory and training for searching and using scholarly information. Check our LibGuides page for an overview of all guides relevant to you.

Before you start

During the seminars in which we work with this LibGuide you will need a laptop or notebook with the program Zotero installed, follow these instructions. If you don't have a notebook, install Zotero on your pc and make sure that you can work together with a fellow student who can bring a device to the seminars on Monday.

Learning goals

  • student gets introduced to different online databases our university library gives access to and is aware of the differences between them
  • students learn how to systematically search for literature on an academic topic, using different methods
  • students learn how to assess the academic quality of publications found on a basic level
  • students learn how to work with the software tool Zotero to organize search results and create a bibliography of references to publications and concrete media objects 
  • students become aware of searching for literature as an ongoing process during which one builds on and works with previous search results
  • students learn how to accurately reference specific media objects and become aware of why this is particularly important when comparing and exploring the relations between different media 

Get Access

Students and employees of Utrecht University have online access anywhere and anytime. Learn more on how to get access.

The library: online and on site

University Library City Centre

You can start your research anywhere and anytime. Both the resources for searching literature and the literature itself are often available online. Yet the library as a physical space remains important.

  • Use our printed resources (for instance on Communication and Information Sciences and Media and Culture).
  • Do you need help? We have Information Specialists on standby during office hours (Monday through Friday from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M) to assist you personally. Just ask for them at the Service Desk.
  • Use our study facilities (Wi-Fi, computers, laptops for rent, study spaces for groups).