Think of search terms (in English and, if need be, also in Dutch) for the different elements of your search query. Use the information on this page if you need help. Search terms can be keywords, synonyms and translations (most search systems are in English).
You can adjust your search terms based on your search results until you are satisfied with the results.
NB you do not have to find search terms for all your elements, sometimes it is even better to leave an element out. For example if you are looking for effects of an intervention. After all, you often do not know what they are yet!).
Write down your search terms.
Thinking up the right search terms is one of the major parts of your search strategy.
Go looking for corresponding terms for each part of your search question. Don't forget:
And also think of the different word forms:
Correct your search terms along the way. If you do so from the very start, you will soon see which (new) terms produce the right results, and which terms don't. Repeat this method as long as it takes.
You don't have to reinvent the wheel. Use resources:
Take for example the search question from step 1:
I am looking for information on treatment of eating disorders for boys and men, in publications starting from the year 2000.
You can think of the following search terms: