Assignment in Zotero (if you prefer you can also use another tool)
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It is very useful to have a place where you can store all your literature (including full text if available) together. There are various so-called literature management systems that support you in this.
These are also very good tools to help you with referring to sources in your own text (citing) and having reading lists created (in the citation style you need, i.e. APA Style).
Examples of reference managing tools are EndNote, Refworks, Mendeley and Zotero. These systems can also be very useful for (automatic) creation of references in the text and reference lists. Good reference management helps you to work more efficiently and effectively.
You can find more information in the LibGuide Reference management.
When writing a thesis or paper you almost always use the work of others. It is important to always and correctly refer to the sources that you use.
The reuse of material without acknowledgment of the source is called plagiarism.
It is permitted by law to quote parts of texts without it being seen as plagiarism, provided that you do so with a correct reference to the source.
Quoting is to copy verbatim from a text in a publication. When you literally copy text from a source, you call this a quote. Quoting is allowed, provided that the following conditions are met:
When you put passages of the text of others into your own words, you call this paraphrasing. Here you try to retain the meaning of a passage from the original text without literally copying that text (as with quoting).
In paraphrasing it is very important that you use your own words to describe the ideas of others. Merely changing a few words, or the order of the sentence is not enough. This will be seen as plagiarism. In that case you can better copy the text word for word (=citing), followed by your own ideas.
A summary is a brief overview of the content of (part of) a source. Hereby you present the most important and relevant information from your source in your own words. A summary is usually much shorter than the original text.
Paraphrasing and summarizing are allowed, providing that you meet the following conditions:
Once you have found and used the correct literature, you must refer to your sources. For example, when you write a paper, refer in the text to the sources from which you obtained your information. You also always make a corresponding reference list in which all the sources you use can be found.
For scientists there are rules (citation styles) about how they should refer. At ISS we use the rules as drawn up by the American Psychological Association (APA). During your studies you must always refer according to this APA style.
For a quick check, visit the APA style pages in the libguide Citing sources
For a complete overview of the APA style please use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition.
APA support from the American Psychological Association:
Other APA guides :
Watch this video from the University of Bolton (3 min.)
See also the UU studentsite
Note: The UU uses Urkund to check on plagiarism
5 tips to prevent plagiarism: