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WorldCat (En): Access to material

Access to digital material

Digital material can be accessed directly from the search result. Click on the blue button with "View full text", "View eBook", "Access journal", "Listen to audio", "View now" or "Access online".

Open access articles and books can be read anywhere and anytime. The university library has a license on a great deal of digital materials. On campus you always have access, off-campus you must first log in with your Solis-id or UMCU-account. Please go to the online access information page on the library website to find out more.

Please note: A quicker way to find digital journals is by consulting the separate list of electronic journals in WorldCat.

Access to journals: partly digitally available, partly available as print journals

Sometimes journals are in part digitally accessible and in part available in print. The print journals, older volumes mostly, are often kept in the depositories and can be requested. In the example below the blue button "Access journal" gives access to the online volumes. If you click on the title, a menu with access options appears on the right-hand side. There you will find the blue button Request item@UU to request the print journal from the depository.

Screenshot of a journal about physics in WorldCat that is both available online and in print.


Screenshot of the access options for a physics journal in WorldCat.

Access to physical material

​WorldCat includes physical material from the Utrecht University Library collections. In the list of found items you will immediately see if an item is available and where you can find it.

Read all about finding the right edition of a book.

If you click on the title, the Access Options Menu will appear on the right-hand side. Click on the blue button Request item@UU to obtain the book.

You will find more information about Requesting and Borrowing (also from other libraries than Utrecht University Library) on the library website.

Screenshot of print book in WorldCat with bibliographical details like the title and the name of the author as well as a picture of its front cover, a short summary, its availability for UU-members and its location within the library.


Access to digital material: Access Online Menu

You will find the Access Online Menu also below the title description after clicking on a title in the list of results. All access options are mentioned in the menu.

By clicking on "Notes & License Terms" you can check if access is only temporary. If you want to have permanent access, please email the library.

You can also report a broken link.

Screenshot of a search result for an e-book in WorldCat.Screenshot of two links for online access to the e-book at the bottom of the search result page.