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Gender Studies in the University Library: Location collections

Gender studies embraces a range of disciplines, from the Humanities to the Social Sciences.As traditionally all disciplines had their own book collections, the interdisciplinarity if this field of research is a challenge to both librarian and library user

Printed publications at the library

Gender studies embraces a range of disciplines, from the Humanities to the Social Sciences. Traditionally all specific disciplines have their own book collections, therefore the interdisciplinarity of this field of research is a challenge to both librarian and library user.

Books in the printed collections

One of the most interesting collections for Gender is the Gender Studies section in the general collection ALG 02.60. You can find it next to the service desk of the University Library City Center.

Most literature dealing with gender is related to a specific discipline, corresponding to one of the many collections available in open shelves at the library buildings in both the City Centre and the Utrecht Science Park (Uithof). There is also a large collection in closed shelves, that can be found and requested for consultation or lending through WorldCat

Call number explained

Once you're in front of the cabinet, the spines
of the books have a longer code. A code may look like this: 
ALG: 02.60 20 *2016gb.
This is the book Breathing Matters by Magdalena Górska.

ALG: General Humanities (collection)
02.60: Gender Studies (section)
20: Theory on Gender Studies (subsection)
*2016gb: publication year + author (g) and title of the book (b)


Anytime, anywhere?

At Utrecht University Library, publications in the field of Gender Studies are in proportion more digital than printed: 

  • Digital journals. A large part of the journals are available in digital form. You can check our subscriptions in the digital journal list. Articles can be found through diverse search engines, some with the UBU-link (WorldCat, Google Scholar, Gender Studies Database, Women's Studies International).  
  • E-books. More and more recently published books are available as e-book. They can be accessed through WorldCat after filtering by location 'Utrecht University Library' and by material type 'e-books'.

You can find all links and explanation about these search engines hereabove under the tab Search engines.

General Humanities ("ALG", City Centre)

Front cover image for Posthuman glossary

  • 02.13 Methodology for scholarly research
    • 24: Methodology for interdisciplinary research
  • 02.60 Gender Studies
    • 20 Theory on gender studies (gender, women, feminism, masculinity etc.)
    • 21 Theory on sexuality (queer/LGBTQ+, sexual discrimination etc.)
    • 22 Theory on ethnicity and race (postcolonialism, discrimination etc.)
    • 23 Theory on migration (diaspora, transnationalism etc.)
    • 99 Other topics (posthumanism, animal studies, relationship between humans
      and machines etc.)

Communication Studies ("COM", City Centre)

Cover image for Digital passages : migrant youth 2.0 (callnumber: COM: 05.44 22 *2015ld)nder and youth cultural intersections

  • 05.20 Communication General
    • 20 Communication and society
  • 05.30 Mass Communication and Mass Media
    • 24 Minorities and media
    • 25  Gender in relation to the media
  • 05.44 Electronic Communication
    • 22 Sociological and psychological aspects of
      online communities, hacking, digital diaspora etc.

Philosophy ("WIJSB", City Centre)

  • 05 Philosophical anthropology
  • 07 Cultural Philosophy (includes cultural theory, postmodernism,
    popular culture, cultural criticism, cultural memory etc.)
  • 48.185 Feminist Philosophy

Ethics ("WIJSB", City Centre)

  • AT: Technics and ethics: science, technology and society
  • BG: Bio-ethics: bio and genetics technology, genomics.
    Includes cloning, the relationship between animal and human, and zoo criticism
  • CL: Human bio-ethics: bio and genetics technology on the human
  • CR: The start of life: Includes issues on abortion, contraception, surrogacy, I.V.F.
  • CV: The end of life: Includes issues on euthanasia, suicide, palliative care etc.
  • CX: Other themes on medical ethics: Includes issues on human experimentation, 
    xenotransplantation and transfusion, pharmacy, sexuality, AIDS
  • DD: Nature ethics: Animal ethics

Religious Studies ("REL", City Centre & "THEOL", Science Park)

  • REL 11.09 Systematic Religious Studies (99: Comparative religion). Also contains issues on post-secularism and gender
  • Much more literature on the field of Theology is located at the Utrecht USP location on the 6th floor.

History ("GES", City Centre)

  • 15.60: World history
  • 15.70: History of Europe
  • 15.71: History of individual European Countries (codes and names on the shelves)
  • 15.72: History of the Netherlands
  • 15.85: History of North America (7150: United States)

In each geographical region, look for these specific aspects: 

  • E: Social history (including the history of social groups, women, workers, etc)
  • C: Political history (including Conflict studies, terrorism and political violence)
  • D: International Relations and Diplomacy (including imperialism and colonialism)

Linguistics ("ATW" & within all language collections, City Centre)

  • ATW: 17.21 Linguistics (23: Monolingual sociolinguistics: language and gender)
  • each language collection has a section for linguistics of that language: English (ENG), Dutch (NED) , German (DUI), French (FRA), Italian (ITA), Spanish (SPA), Celtic languages (KEL).  

Literary Studies ("ALW" & all language collections, City Centre)

  • ALW: 17.75 Comparative Literature (27: Feminist approaches to literature, 29: Postcolonialism)
  • each language collection has a section for literature in that language. English (ENG), Dutch (NED) , German (DUI), French (FRA), Italian (ITA), Spanish (SPA), Celtic languages (KEL).  

Art History ("KUN", City Centre)

  • 20.03 Art History Methods and Techniques
    • 23: Gender studies and feminist art history
  • 20.05 Art in relation to other areas of culture: general
    • 23: Art and ethics or religion
    • 24 : Art and technics or science
  • 20.10 Art and Society: General
    • 21: Art sociology (art as a means of emancipation)
    • 22: Gender studies and feminist art, visual arts from a feminist

Theater, Film & Television Studies ("THE", City Centre)

  • 24.31 Theory and aesthetics of cinematography
    • 20: Gender and feminism
  • 24.32 History of cinematography
    • 20: Cinematography in political contexts