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Universiteitsbibliotheek – LibGuides

Training finding and handling scholarly information for GEO4-3633: 3. Using a reference tool

Research master human geography

Getting started with Mendeley, RefWorks or Zotero

Using the boxes on the right you can get a quick start in registering/installing and configuring your favorite reference management tool and try out some basic operations. It is a one time investment of 45-75 minutes that will pay off over the course of your studies because it takes away most of the burden of storing papers and organizing and citing references properly. Choose from:

  1. EndNote
  2. Mendeley
  3. RefWorks
  4. Zotero

Not sure what to choose? Have a look at our Reference Management LibGuide made to support your choice.

N.B. The setting up directions in the boxes on the right are mostly for setting up on your own machine. If you use a UU-PC you can probably skip some steps as some software has already been installed. Mendeley is installed on most UU-PCs, RefWorks is available on the web and the RefWorks Write-n-Cite tool is available for installation in Word on most UU-PCs. However Zotero is not available on UU-PCs. If you wish to install and use Zotero please do so on your own laptop or PC at home.

Getting started with Mendeley

MendeleyA) Setting up:

  1. Go to Mendeley and make a free account
  2. Download the software to install Mendeley on your computer
  3. Install the Mendeley Importer in your browser.
  4. Install the add on (plug in) for Word (the so-called Mendeley Cite-o-Matic); this is the tool that allows citing while writing your paper.
  5. Configure your watched folder.  This is a folder on your hard drive (e.g. one called "literature") that is being read each time when you start Mendeley desktop. PDFs you drop there are automatically added to your Mendeley library. You can do this in the desktop application under tools|options|watched folders.
  6. Optionally configure auto-renaming files to use a fixed naming convention for your files (e.g. author-year-title)

B) Getting some stuff in:

  1. Go to Google Scholar, perform a search and import bibliographical data with the bookmarklet ('save to Mendeley') on your favourites toolbar
  2. Go to WorldCat, perform a search and import bibliographical data with the bookmarklet on your favourites toolbar
  3. Go to Scopus, perform a search and import bibliographical data with the direct export option built into Scopus (tick relevant papers, click export and select Save to Mendeley)
  4. From a new Scopus search go to the full text of a paper and from your PDF reader download that text as PDF in the folder on your hard disk that you set as watch folder
  5. On the Mendeley web interface go to the papers tab and search the Mendeley catalog for a paper; from there save the details to Mendeley or go to the full text and save the PDF to the watched folder on your hard drive
  6. Find out how you could add a reference completely manually (although you hope to avoid that of course)

C) Organising, reading, annotating

  1. Have a look at your library to see what you have imported/downloaded so far; look at what's in the recently added and needs review folders (incomplete references are in the needs review folder)
  2. From your library, open the full text of a publication, highlight some text and make an annotation at a certain point in the text
  3. Organise: add a tag to a reference tag (in the right hand pane with publication details) and make a folder (left hand pane) and drag&drop a publication in that folder
  4. Sync your library with your online account (sync button in the main menu)

D) Citing:

  1. Start Word
  2. Make a fake sentence, put your cursor halfway and save your document
  3. Using Mendeley Cite-o-Matic on the references tab of Word cite one publication from your Mendeley database
  4. Put your cursor on the in-text citation and click edit citation in the Mendeley Cite-o-Matic menu to see how you can fine tune an in-text citation (e.g. for page numbers); N.B. you need to put your cursor in the text line of the edit citation dialog box to see the options
  5. Generate the bibliography using the option for that in Mendeley Cite-o-Matic
  6. Switch to another style (e.g. to APA or Chicago Style) and reformat the paper with that style

Support from Mendeley itself

Getting started with RefWorks-3

Attention! The Refworks license for UU and UMCU will end by December 31st 2025! We advise you to use another reference manager.

  • With Quick Start, you will learn in a few minutes the basic operations; i.e. Collecting  literature references in your personal database and Adding citations and a Bibliography to your text documents
  • NB: this Libguide is still under construction!
  • Details and FAQs will be added soon, concerning
    • Export of references from various databases, such as PubMed, Web of Science etc.
    • How to Install Write-N-Cite on various devices
    • How to use the tool 'Save to RefWorks'
    • How to manage and edit your references in your personal database

Getting started with Zotero

ZoteroA) Setting up:

  1. Go to Zotero, click download now and download and install Zotero Standalone
  2. Go back to the Zotero download page, scroll to the bottom and install the bookmarklet in your browser; make sure to make your favourites toolbar visible in your browser; this bookmarklet supports easy importing of bibliographical data
  3. From the same download page install the plugin for Microsoft Word (this supports citing while you write your paper)
  4. Start Zotero Stand Alone, go to options|preferences and then to 'advanced', then to the files tab to select a folder on your hard drive where you store/save your PDFs
  5. Also in options|preferences on the 'search' tab, activate PDF indexing to be able to search the full text of your PDF files
  6. To activate  the library lookup functionality (=UBUlink) please enter the Utrecht University OpenURL-resolver address (with question mark included but without the quotes):" under tools|preferences|advanced|openurl

B) Getting some stuff in:

  1. Go to Google Scholar, perform a search and import bibliographical data with the bookmarklet  ('save to Zotero') on your favourites toolbar; go to your Zotero desktop application and synchronize (green icon top right) to see the reference
  2. Go to Scopus, perform a search and import bibliographical data with the bookmarklet on your favourites toolbar
  3. Go to WorldCat, perform a search and import bibliographical data with the bookmarklet on your favourites toolbar
  4. From a new Scopus search go to the full text of a paper and download that text as PDF in the folder on your hard disk that you set as linked (watch) folder; then, in Zotero add a new reference with the green +icon, select link to file and select the file on your hard disk; now you can add the metadata of that file by right-clicking the reference in your library and select the option to get the metadata
  5. Find out how you could add a reference completely manually (although you hope to avoid that of course)

C) Organising, reading, annotating

  1. Have a look at your library to see what you have imported/downloaded so far; right-click My Library top left to make a folder and start sorting if you wish
  2. Select a reference in your library using the right-hand pane add a tag/label
  3. Double click an item in your library with full text to read it in your PDF reader; you can also use the annotation options of the reader.

D) Citing:

  1. Start Word
  2. Make a fake sentence and put your cursor halfway and save your document
  3. Using the Zotero functionality on the add-inns page, cite one publication from your Zotero database (you need to search for an author or title word, but you can also get a list by clicking the Z-icon in the dialog and select classic view)
  4. Put your cursor on the in-text citation and click the edit citation button to add a page number
  5. Create the bibliography with the bibliography icon
  6. Switch to another style (e.g. to APA or Chicago Style) and reformat the paper with that style; you can do this with the "set Zotero doc prefs" icon

Support from Zotero itself: