Students and researchers studying English language and literature, especially in the BA English Language and Culture.
In this LibGuide you will find the following:
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Not all UBU LibGuides are available in English.
When you need a specific book, or a chapter from it, search for the author and title in the Utrecht entrance to Worldcat.
When you need a specific article from a journal, search:
Google Scholar: do a quick search for publications you can get hold of easily. Beware that you may miss important publications and that you will find a lot of titles that are not closely related to your subject.
MLA International Bibliography: important scholarly publications on language and literature. Use for journal articles, books and chapters from books. Unfortunately there is a significant chance that books are not available in Utrecht. For a quick search, limit your results to (peer reviewed) journal articles.
You can start your research anywhere and anytime. Both the resources for searching literature and the literature itself are often available online. Yet the library as a physical space remains important.
Utrecht University Library provides access to a large number of English language and literature resources:
which means that they are available anytime, anywhere.