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Master ISS literature search: Summary and feedback


On this page:


Compass: online information literacy skills training

Your opinion matters! Please answer the questions:

Feedback question 1

Feedback question 2


Other pages:


Phrasing the search question

Search engines

Search strategy and techniques

Getting hold of the full text

Selecting and evaluating sources

Referring in APA Style





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In this training you have learned to:

  1. formulate a good research question (including determining inclusion criteria)
  2. perform a literature search
  3. screen the literature you found on relevance (based on title and abstract)
  4. how to get hold of the full text of the relevant literature and measure it against your inclusion criteria
  5. how to do a quality check on the relevant literature

Compass: online information skills training courses

The Utrecht University Library offers several online information skills training courses, Compass.

If you want to know more about searching for literature sources, or want to practice more with the different parts of a search strategy, go to
This training consists of four modules of approximately 30 minutes. Together  they form a complete introduction course on searching and finding information, but you can also go through the modules independently of each other:

  1. Finding and accessing information
  2. Setting up your search
  3. Evaluating your sources
  4. Saving and using sources

Next to this basic skills training the library also offers the additional library skills modules:

Your opinion matters!

We like to hear what you think of this LibGuide/training module, contents as well as the way it is offered. We use your feedback to improve this training.

Please answer the questions in the poll, or email your opinion to the subject librarian Social Sciences.

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