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Universiteitsbibliotheek – LibGuides

EBM Literature Sources : 1. PubMed

What is in Pubmed? - Video (5 min.)

Searching in PubMed

For performing systematic studies of literature, knowledge of PubMed is assumed.

If you want to refresh your overall knowledge of PubMed, why not have a look at the Training PubMed UBU LibGuide Training PubMed. This LibGuide is also used in teaching Medicine at UMC Utrecht.

By following the links below, you can also refresh your knowledge about specific parts. In the training mentioned above, the following items are explained:

PubMed also have their own training of how you can use PubMed in Evidence Based Medicine. 

General information about PubMed (without assignments) can be found in the LibGuide PubMed LibGuide PubMed