Using the boxes on the right, you can get a quick start in registering/installing and configuring your favorite reference management tool and try out some basic operations. It takes 45-75 minutes.
The boxes on the right are to get you started. In our full LibGuide on Reference Management you'll find much more information, also on how the tools compare and how to choose a tool for reference management.
There are dozens of dedicated reference management tools. The best known and most widely used are:
The are many ways of keeping track of what you read:
But if you read a lot, and write many papers citing lots of publications it may save time to use a dedicated tool that supports citing in documents your are preparing and that supports citation styles required by journals and publishers. The most widely used are:
C) Organising, reading, annotating
D) Citing:
Support from Zotero itself:
Attention! The RefWorks license for UU and UMCU will end by December 31st 2025! We advise you to use another reference manager.
B) Getting some stuff in:
C) Organising, reading
D) Citing:
Support from RefWorks itself: