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Universiteitsbibliotheek – LibGuides

Training scholarly information handling for geoscience faculty & PhDs: 1. Intro

Hands on sessions

Next scheduled session: --, starting at 9:30 AM and lasting between 60-120 minutes, depending on your needs. Venue: room --, University Library Uithof. Please send a message to Jeroen Bosman if you wish to register for this session (max 10 participants).

Faculty research groups may request hands on sessions for PhDs and faculty. After a short introduction you can get up to date on exactly what you need: whether it is advanced Scopus searching, using e-books, selecting a journal to submit your paper to, finding data, using relevant social media for scholarly purposes, journal metrics, researcher profiles, Mendeley, RefWorks or Zotero, and more.... Please send a message to Jeroen Bosman if you wish book a dedicated session for your research group.

Training searching & handling scholarly information for faculty

In this training you can try out various search tools and get up to date on Open Access, research impact metrics, copyright issues and more.

This training will take a full day to go through entirely. Just pick and choose the most relevant sections to suit your interest or needs if you have less time to spend and come back later.

Some sections of this guide are still under construction. Please bear with us.

To start off, on this page you'll find some general information on library services

  1. Main things to remember
  2. The library building
  3. Getting access to databases and journals
  4. Library acquisition policies
  5. Contact for questions

If anything, remember this .....

1) To ensure worldwide access to databases, journals, e-book and more, always use the links on the library website. This even holds for Google Scholar! For access details and alternative routes please go to our Get Access guide.

2) For book acquisition, the default nowadays is e-books. Whenever we can we choose to buy them without DRM restrictions and with multiple access.

3) For all questions, suggestions, access problems and error messages please contact library [at] or j.bosman [at]

4) The library offers much more than you may expect:  data management systems, virtual knowledge environment, infoliteracy LibGuides for re-use in Blackboard, advice on copyright, Open Access journals, publication advice etc.

The university library is online, but it is a building as well!

architectural impression of Utrecht University Library in The Uithof campusNowadays you can do online research, with many thousands of online journals and books made available by the library. But not everything is online! Some stuff still is only available in hardcopy. For that and more please visit the University Library Uithof, with:

  • Study places, with and without computers and with wifi throughout the building
  • Print books and journals in Geoscience on the second floor, a.o.:
    • collection G-AW: geoscience (incl. physcial geography)
    • colection G-GE: geography, including planning and development studies
    • collection G-MI: environmental science and policy studies
    • collection G-TS: print journals, arranged A-Z
    • tens of newsletters
  • Print books and journals in Social Science on the third floor, a.o.:
    • collection S-SO: sociology
  • Print books and journals in Science on the fourth floor, a.o.:
    • collection BIO: biology
    • colection CHEM: chemistry
  • Maps and atlases in the map room on the sixth floor
  • Lounge area on the bridge to the Van Unnik building
  • Newspapers and general interest magazines on the first floor
  • Study cabins and group facilities
  • Face to face support (ask a librarian) on the first floor

The University Library City Centre houses among others the printed books and journals in economics, history and law.

Getting access to online sources

Wherever you are, and especially when off campus, always approach databases and journals through the library website or LibGuides. Links on those sites are routed through the library proxy, so that you will get access if you are entitled.

This even has advantages for some free sites such as Google Scholar and Worldcat, becuase that way you will be presented the UBUlink in your search results, making it easy to get to the full text of publications.

Alternatively you may benefit from installing a "Get Access" button in the favourites bar of your browser. It is a quick way to get access when you are off campus and stumble upon pay-wall restrictions.

Library acquisition policies

The general library acquisition policies regard principles such as e-first, our preference for e-books without DRM and more.

The level of collection development for the various Geoscience thems is laid down in collection profiles.


When you have questions or to report problems please ask the library via